European Digital Innovation Hub

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l’intelligenza artificiale

European Digital Innovation Hub

Il percorso per la tua azienda verso

l’intelligenza artificiale

AI Magister


Polo Europeo di Innovazione Digitale

AI MAGISTER è uno degli EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hubs), polo di innovazione digitale sovvenzionato dal MIMIT con un focus sull’Intelligenza Artificiale

Sosteniamo la Digital & Intelligent Green Transformation in settori chiave, rendendo la tecnologia accessibile e vantaggiosa per un’ampia gamma di utenti con l’obiettivo di:

Favorire la crescita di molteplici organizzazioni

Collaboriamo con start-up, PMI e grandi imprese per integrare efficacemente l’IA nei loro processi operativi.

Migliorare l’efficienza operativa

Integrando l’Intelligenza Artificiale nei processi fondamentali, aiutiamo le organizzazioni a ottimizzare le loro operazioni per una maggiore efficienza e sostenibilità.

Aumentare competenze e conoscenze aziendali

Miglioriamo le condizioni attraverso upskilling e reskilling e diminuendo il gap formativo


Servizi di testing, formazione, consulenza e supporto finanziario a prezzi agevolati

Ottieni fino al 100% di sconto sui servizi grazie alle agevolazioni finanziate dal MIMIT


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Servizi di testing, formazione, consulenza e supporto finanziario a prezzi agevolati

Ottieni fino al 100% di sconto sui servizi grazie alle agevolazioni finanziate dal MIMIT


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17 realtà professionali e accademiche, impegnate nell’innovazione, formazione e collaborazione per promuovere l’adozione di tecnologie avanzate nelle aziende e nelle istituzioni


Pioneering digital transformation in Hungary: the EDIHs leading the way for the nation’s SMEs
Pioneering digital transformation in Hungary: the EDIHs leading the way for the nation’s SMEs
The spotlight shone brightly on Hungary’s European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) on 5 March 2024, as their critical contribution to the nation’s economic growth was brought into focus at a dedicated event in Budapest. Notable speakers and participants, including government officials, industry experts, and academics, shared insights and experiences, highlighting the tangible benefits and success stories emerging from EDIH initiatives. Five national EDIHs took centre stage: Digitaltech EDIH, MI-EDIH, HPC-EDIH, Data-EDIH and AEDIH. Providing a suite of services at no cost, they support the digitalisation of businesses through pre-deployment technology testing, offering advice, skills development and training, explaining sources of finance, opportunities to raise capital, and nurturing networking among key stakeholders.  Amidst challenging economic conditions exacerbated by soaring energy prices and inflation, these hubs have offered a lifeline to Hungarian businesses striving for efficiency and competitiveness through digitalisation.  ‘Our objective is for Hungary to be able to draw 2.2% of its population from the Digital Europe Programme. EDIH organisations are therefore considered extremely useful and supported. Tangible uses and adaptation programmes are extremely important for us, and we would like to continue to support this’, said Szabolcs (Szabi) Szolnoki, Deputy State Secretary for Technology at the Ministry of National Economy.  DigitalTech EDIH, with its roots in academia, business development, and the IT industry, has been a cornerstone for firms looking to fortify their cybersecurity, leverage blockchain technology, and explore fintech and edtech solutions. By providing tailored training and advisory services, it ensures businesses have the knowledge to thrive in a digital landscape. HPC-EDIH emerged as a critical player for industries and research domains by democratising access to High-Performance Computing (HPC). This hub enables complex simulations and modelling, tackling data volumes beyond the reach of conventional computing systems, and driving innovation across sectors. MI-EDIH stands out for its comprehensive AI services, targeting not only SMEs but also the municipal sector within Hungary and the EU. With a focus on practical deployment and application of AI technologies, it fosters a one-stop-shop approach, easing the digital transition for its clients. Data-EDIH takes on the digital transformation challenges in the health and food industries. It offers expert advice, training, and services in data asset and data management, ensuring organisations can leverage data to enhance operational efficiency and innovation. AEDIH focuses on the agricultural sector, aiming to catalyse the digital transformation of farmers through training and the development of digital solutions. It also supports agricultural consultants and startups, enriching the ecosystem with digital expertise and methodologies. As the event concluded, it was clear that Hungary’s EDIHs are not just facilitators but catalysts of change, driving the digital transformation of businesses across the nation. With their unwavering support and innovative services, they are paving the way for a resilient, competitive, and technologically advanced Hungarian economy.
EDIH Network: a year of impactful digital transformation
EDIH Network: a year of impactful digital transformation
In 2023, the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) Network emerged as a pioneering initiative to steer Europe towards a more digitally mature future. With an unwavering commitment to enhancing small and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs) and public sector organisations’ (PSOs) digital transformation, it has already contributed to reshaping the digital landscape of Europe.  Delivering services to SMEs and PSOs One of the crowning achievements of the EDIH Network during its inaugural year of operations was the successful completion of over 3,450 Digital Maturity Assessments for SMEs and PSOs. These assessments, the first step toward the digital transformation journey, play a crucial role in helping SMEs and PSOs understand their digital readiness and the areas that require improvement with the EDIHs’ intervention. As a result of these assessments, the EDIHs provided more than 3,700 tailored services, offering expert guidance and support to European businesses. Enhancing digital skills The network’s dedication to education and skill development was evident in its organising 37 training sessions, attended by more than 2,550 participants. These sessions covered a large range of topics, including Cybersecurity management, Artificial Intelligence and Open data management, equipping attendees with the latest insights and skills necessary to navigate the evolving digital landscape. Digital Transformation Accelerator: creating synergies and strengthening collaboration  Furthermore, 11 Thematic Working Groups were launched within the EDIH Network in the past year. These groups allow EDIHs to further collaborate on specific industry- or technology-related topics. Through their multiple meetings and the active involvement of their members, the working groups exchange success stories and good practices, empowering national and European initiatives to partner up and tackle the challenges of the digital transformation.  In addition, the ‘Networking the Networks’ group developed guidelines for collaboration between the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and Clusters to facilitate SMEs’ and PSOs’ access to digitalisation.  The Network also brings together European initiatives in webinars to disseminate knowledge, build collaborations, and discuss emerging trends in digital innovation. In 2023, it organised several sessions with high-profile initiatives. In its first year of operations, the EDIH Network has laid a solid foundation, demonstrating its commitment to creating a more interconnected and digitally savvy business sector across Europe. As we move forward, it’s clear that there remains significant ground to cover. The path ahead involves not only building on these initial successes but also addressing the evolving challenges of digital transformation.  Here’s to another year of innovative strides, transformative activities, and continued success!
Calling all EDIHs: share your stories of digital transformation success
Calling all EDIHs: share your stories of digital transformation success
Tell us about your experience within the EDIH Network and turn the spotlight on your hub as a model of excellence and inspiration.  As part of our commitment to fostering digital transformation and innovation, the DTA team invites all EDIHs to share inspiring examples of their successful collaboration with SMEs or PSOs. Your submissions are not just stories; they are testaments to the power of digital innovation in enhancing the resilience and competitiveness of the EU. By sharing these narratives, you contribute to a knowledge-rich ecosystem, offering insights and inspiring practices that can benefit other hubs and companies across Europe. How to participate EDIHs can submit their stories via the ‘My EDIH’ section on the platform. Become familiar with the guidelines and follow them to ensure your story’s impact and innovation are clearly communicated. The DTA will actively support you on the submission of your success story or good practice and offer guidance on how you can further enhance your methods. The stories will be published on the EDIH Network website, promoted on social media, and used to create educational materials and training courses. Furthermore, they will be featured in the EDIH Network Annual Summit in 2024, highlighting your achievements to the entire EU community. Why participate? Demonstrate how you have actively helped to advance the digital transformation. Boost your hub’s visibility within the European digital ecosystem. Guide and inspire other hubs and businesses through your experiences. For a glimpse on the kind of input we are looking for, check out the success stories available on the EDIH Network Portal here. We look forward to receiving your inspiring stories of digital transformation and collaboration. Let’s celebrate and spread the word about the EDIH Network and the power of innovation!
Call for submissions: compete in the EDIH Network Awards
Call for submissions: compete in the EDIH Network Awards
The European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) Network is excited to announce it’s now accepting submissions for the inaugural EDIH Network Awards. The competition will highlight exemplary cases of digital transformation across Europe during the second EDIH Network Annual Summit, scheduled to take place on 26-27 November 2024, in Brussels and online.  We invite all EDIHs and Seal of Excellence (SoE) hubs across Europe to participate by submitting their success stories. This is a unique opportunity to highlight your achievements and gain visibility across the wider network. Celebrating digital excellence The EDIH Network Awards are designed to showcase and celebrate EDIHs that have successfully provided innovative services to SMEs and Public Sector Organisations (PSOs) to support them through their digital transformation. Beyond recognising the accomplishments of individual EDIHs, the awards aim to encourage collaboration and the sharing of best practices within the network. The categories Participants can submit their success stories in one of four categories: Green digitalisation: showcase a digital transformation service that aligns with the Green Deal objectives. This category seeks submissions that integrate digitalisation with sustainable practices, emphasising long-term commitments to environmental protection and resource sustainability.  Human-centred AI: present a digital transformation service requiring the application of human-centred AI. Solutions should focus on AI systems that not only respect privacy but also enhance staff capabilities and empower them to achieve significant performance and profitability.  Digital skills: demonstrate a digital transformation service aimed at developing digital skills, helping customers acquire the necessary competencies for quality employment opportunities. Collaboration with other EDIHs or European networks/initiatives (e.g. EEN, clusters, EIT, EIC, TEFs): nominate a digital transformation service developed through the collaboration of two organisations. The entry should describe an innovative, joint solution that tackles a specific digital transformation challenge effectively.  Entries in all categories should clearly show social and economic benefits, supported by data-driven evidence and measurable outcomes. Send us your story We are accepting nominations until 4 July 2024, at 17:00 CEST. Entries must be submitted via the EDIH Network portal, where participants can also find detailed information. Selection and voting Finalists for each category will be selected by an expert jury, and winners will be announced during the Summit. Alongside these awards, the Popular Choice Award will be determined through votes by the EDIHs themselves. Don’t miss your chance to be recognised as a leader in Europe’s digital transformation journey. Submit your success story and join us in Brussels for another inspiring edition of the EDIH Network Annual Summit!
L’IA e il futuro del lavoro: collaborazione o sostituzione?
L’IA e il futuro del lavoro: collaborazione o sostituzione?
Il rapido sviluppo dell'intelligenza artificiale (IA) sta suscitando una serie di domande cruciali sul futuro del lavoro. Mentre alcuni sottolineano le opportunità create dall'IA per migliorare l'efficienza e creare nuove opportunità occupazionali, altri temono che questa tecnologia possa portare alla sostituzione di numerosi ruoli lavorativi. Una delle principali preoccupazioni riguarda il settore manifatturiero, dove l'automatizzazione alimentata dall'IA potrebbe ridurre la domanda di lavoro umano in determinati settori. Tuttavia, è importante riconoscere che l'IA ha anche il potenziale per creare nuove opportunità di lavoro, specialmente in settori come lo sviluppo di software, l'analisi dei dati e la gestione dei sistemi AI stessi. Per affrontare questa trasformazione, sarà necessario adottare una serie di strategie. Queste potrebbero includere la riconversione professionale per i lavoratori il cui impiego potrebbe essere minacciato dall'IA, nonché politiche pubbliche volte a mitigare gli effetti negativi sull'occupazione, come la riduzione dell'orario di lavoro o la creazione di nuovi programmi di assistenza sociale. Inoltre, è essenziale garantire che l'IA sia sviluppata e utilizzata in modo etico e responsabile, tenendo conto delle implicazioni sociali ed economiche della sua implementazione. Questo potrebbe includere la creazione di linee guida etiche per lo sviluppo e l'uso dell'IA, nonché la promozione di una maggiore trasparenza e accountability da parte delle aziende e dei governi che utilizzano questa tecnologia. In conclusione, il futuro del lavoro nell'era dell'IA dipenderà dalla nostra capacità di adattarci in modo flessibile e responsabile ai cambiamenti tecnologici in corso. Mentre ci sono sfide da affrontare, ci sono anche opportunità significative per migliorare la nostra società e la nostra economia attraverso l'uso ponderato e sostenibile dell'IA.
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AI Magister

AI MAGISTER è un polo di innovazione digitale sovvenzionato dal MIMIT con un focus sull’Intelligenza Artificiale


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